Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Beautiful Oops!

Yesterday we read the story Beautiful Oops by Barney Saltzberg. At Writing Workshop we wrote our own beautiful oops stories. Today we sliced about a time we had an oops that turned into something good!

Yestrda katelynn brok My duck but seh cood fix it. TB

A dot can turn into a car and a frog a moth can torn into a spiter. LS

On Monday at qite 10 that mense we write story on Monday we rote a story that is named a oops book.    KC

Once I made a mustake I made a tertlebird but I mint to rite. Was a tertle for my mommy and dady Dan and They liked it. JC

On Monday I spilled my drink but my oops was better because I got a nother one. JM

My paper ripped one time then I made it into a beautiful longneck. CW


  1. Wonderful Oops stories first graders! Keep writing! I think I need to read this book. Thank you for writing about it.

  2. I know that book, beautiful oops! And I'm happy to hear your own oops stories so you can create your own book. Thanks for writing!

  3. CW is having a blast with the Beautiful Oops and has read his personal "oops" book to us several times this week!
